History is full of examples where suffering was brought to people of one or more countries by people from another country. Most often at the back of these selfish actions have been short-sigthed leaders who had looked only at the needs of the countries and, certainly at their own individual, and not at the world general. Such leaders have often caused devastation and misery not only to other countries but, eventually, to their own as well. A person who wears the mantle of leadership, of any country or society, must think beyond the needs of his own country. A leader who thinks of the region will uplift the whole region; a leader who thinks of the world will uplift the world.
To take a fictitious example, suppose that the leader of a certain country affliated his people with a powerful world power, in order to enrich the country, without regarding the interests of his neighbours, the result may not be upsetting to the others in the region; whose best interests may not be served by such an affliation. The country or countries affected by the alliance may take steps, even leading to war, to protect their own interests. We saw this happen in the Cuban Crisis. It almost led to World War 3 when Fidel Castro agreed to a Russian military base on Cuba, at the doorstep of the US. If Khrushchev had not backed down, there could have risen a situation that would have led to untold devastation to the world.
On the other hand we have the ASEAN leaders, making decisions which could uplift the region as a whole. A whole list of measures have been put together, in areas ranging from trade to co-operation in intelligence with regard to terrorists. They have been implemanted to ensure the growth and prosperity of the region as a whole. The areas of co-operation keep growing to the delight of the people of the countries who see each other as friends and neighbours rather then rivals. It greatly pleases people of the region when they see their leaders taking united positions on matters that would enrich everyone's lives.
Another example occurred earlier in history. During World War One and again during World War Two, the US government made decisions to rescue Europe from German onslaught. These decisions were certainly beyond the needs of the US. The Germans would never have reached the US, though the Japanese did the devastating effect. Though the US could have just invaded japan, its leaders chose to help to overcome the germans first. This certainly helped turn the tides in both wars. The leaders in both situations acted as world leaders, for good of the world, rather than for their own country's narrow interests, Their actions certainly brought a better world which benefited the US as well as the world.
All humanity is co-dependent . It makes for more peace for all leaders make decisions for the good of the world at least as much as for their own countries.